Nordunet connects the Nordic countries, and give us an advantage
In 1985 the Nordic council of ministers choose to invest in Nordunet - a computer network to connect the Nordic science and education networks. A rapid development of the internet follows in the Nordic countries.
This change means that scientists and researches now can email colleagues all over the world, as well as transmit files. The capacity for the network is 64 Kbps.
Nordunet is comprised of Forskningsnettet in Denmark, Funet in Finland, RHnet on Iceland, Uninett in Norway, and Sunet in Sweden. Nordunet is soon connected to other research networks in the USA, which contributes to increased connectivity over the Atlantic.
First part of an open internet outside the USA
In 1989 Nordunet opens what is to become the first part of an open internet outside the USA. Swedish Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson is invited, but turns down the chance to speak at the opening. The leading Swedish TV news show "Aktuellt" also declines, having recently broadcast a segment about computer hacking.
In 1991 Swipnet, which is Sweden's first commercial internet operator, gets its first connectivity abroad through Nordunet.
Nordunet finally recognized
Nordunet and the national research networks are considered so important to the development of the interent that one of its founders, the Norwegian Rolf Nordhagen, is voted in to the Internet hall of fame in 2014.
• The history of Nordunet